So, if you paid the $25 for this class, you are ready to monetize your blog, your instagram, your tiktok, your pinterest, etc. You are ready to MAKE THAT PAPER. But you don't know where to start. We've been there! We have been creating content for 7 years now and it took us a while to get to the point where we had a portfolio of work that we felt comfortable showing to brands as an example of what we could do for them. (For more about how we got there, you want to take the full class).
If you think your body of work and the content you create is ready, it is time to pitch to brands. In the following modules, you will find example pitches to copy and paste and edit with your own details. Attached to this module is an example of a pitch that landed us a successful collaboration.
NOTE: Do not attach or discuss rates in your first email! Wait until the brand expresses interest and you can ask their budget. We are currently developing a new section of this class to discuss how to negotiate your rates, so stay tuned.